Monthly Book Roundup (April 2014)
Last months books include a couple more AngularJS related books. One about testing with Jasmine and another about AngularJS directives.
Last months books include a couple more AngularJS related books. One about testing with Jasmine and another about AngularJS directives.
This month’s roundup includes two absolutely outstanding books. Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests and ng-book: The Complete Book on AngularJS.
There’s no overarching theme for this month’s books that I’ve read, there are just two newer technologies that I wanted to really dig into a bit more (AngularJS and MongoDB).
This month’s list of finished books aren’t exactly new technologies to me, but are areas where I certainly had some knowledge gaps. All books this month are related in someway to the application build and deploy process.
I’ve spent the last few days thinking about professional development resolutions for the new year. This time around I want to set goals that are realistic but challenging enough to push me a bit. I also want to make my efforts public so that I can be mocked mercilessly should I fail to meet my goals (especially if I fail early).